Friday, August 11, 2017

Welcome to Kdg.

‘Twas 2 days before Kindergarten, and as they prepared, children were excited and a little bit scared.
Each of them tossed and turned about in their beds, while visions of school supplies danced in their heads.
Art smock, spare clothes, 3 t-shirts &  6glue sticks  galore were stuffed in their backpacks and set by the door.
Outfits were hung in the closets with care, knowing that soon Kindergarten at Norfeldt soon would be there.
On Wednesday, the 30th  it came–the 1 hour visit!   The children all wondered what would they be doing on this very first day?
Faces were washed and teeth were brushed white; children posed for pictures with eyes sparkling bright!
Parents packed 1st day supplies and kids hopped in cars as if they were boarding a spaceship to Mars.
Most children brought it all…everything listed–it goes!
We have to bring what a Kindergartener needs-everyone knows.
The parents were worried their children would cry, if they just left them at school with just a good-bye.
They told their little darlings that just for the first day, Mrs. Durocher said they could come together for a visit and  stay.
Mrs. Durocher then greeted each child with a smile, invited them in, and said  “stay for a while”.
Kindergarten room 102 was all filled with books, centers, games and toys–more than enough to share with all 17 girls and boys.
They made a  special project, name cards and faux birthday date cake–you know the kind you write on and don’t have to bake.
They read a  fun story  &  had fun from beginning to end.  Within just one hour, each child made a friend.
And I heard the children exclaim as they left out the door, “I think I’ll come back again & do this Kindergarten thing some more!”  ðŸ™‚

I’ll see everyone at the 1 hour visits on the 1st day of school–August 30th.  Please meet me at the side blue double doors of the building.  (If you look for the only bike rack at Norfeldt, you’ve found the right set of doors.)  I’ll come out to see you when it’s your group’s time to come in.
Please be sure to bring EVERYTHING LISTED on the supply list and be sure all items are individually labeled and each in a small ziploc bag (glue sticks) and large items in large ziploc bags (spare clothes, art smock, 3  white t-shirts labeled in the tag area, etc)
The room is ready and I look forward to seeing you soon.  Feel free to browse through the blog and its contents to get familiar with it.  If you want to add additional emails (work, grandparents, etc) go to the main page and enter each email in the box and click submit.  This is the vehicle by which 95% of our communication occurs (I RARELY EVER send home paper notes), so keep a close eye on your smart phone or computer each day. I look forward to seeing everyone at their 1 hour assigned visit time on the first day of school.  Lastly please come to the PTO Kindergarten Popsicle Social on Tuesday, August 29th at 3:30–(yes--the day before school!)  I’ll be there looking to meet you and your child and enjoy some social time before school starts.    -Mrs. Durocher ðŸ™‚


  1. Will and Family are SO excited for kindergarten with the best K teacher :)!

  2. Thank you. :) So very excited to start off a new school year and looking forward to seeing Will.
